Tag: knitting

Pier Yarn Bomb by Nathan Jones

Hastings Pier Yarn Bomb

Fun times at the pier. The main gate pillars are covered in wool, as are many of the railings. The pier has been properly darned and yarn bombed and is looking really bright and cheerful, AND it just won Pier of the Year 2017! Happy Days. Here are some pictures of the amazing pieces: Hastings Pier Yarn […]

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Tiddly Om Pom Pom by Pink Minx, Hastings Pier

Tiddly Om Pom Pom

Hastings Pier yarn bomb piece, Tiddly Om Pom Pom by Pink Minx. This weekend is the Hastings Pier Yarn bomb. Local people, community groups have been out in force adding their wool/found material based creations to the pier. It looks amazing. Thank you everyone. Hastings Pier http://hastingspier.org.uk Pink Minx http://www.thepinkminx.co.uk

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