Dave the cat. The finest farm mouser I’ve ever met. A gentleman, a rogue, a pugilist, and a big sop when he wants to be.
Cats, no less liquid than their shadows, Offer no angles to the wind. They slip, diminished, neat, through loopholes Less than themselves; will not be pinned To rules or routes for journeys; counter Attack with non-resistance; twist Enticing through the curving fingers And leave an angered, empty fist. They wait, obsequious as darkness Quick to […]
I need you, boomin’ granny I said I want you, boomin’ granny Boomin’ granny, boomin’ granny Boomin’ granny, good and plenty –Beastie Boys Taking a long drink in the sweltering heat. Brighton Pride 2018
Hastings Pirate Day. The Royal Standard, La Miseria Deluxe, from Lisob, play Tango Pirata. Some more photos from the day: Hastings Pirate Day Check out La Miseria Deluxe on Bandcamp: La Miseria Deluxe – Tango Pirata
Dressed up for the mesmerising show by Camille O’Sullivan and band at Wilton’s Music Hall, Friday 13 April 2018.
This image is now for sale as an exhibition quality archival print, in 3 sizes: Walk this way
Bailey, the cantankerous and marvellous beast that lives at Heart & Hand, Brighton. Instagram: @baileythepubcat