“Can you do any tricks?” I asked.
“I’m learning the Superman, the Starfish and the Kangaroo”, she said.
“What’s this one called?”
“Sticking one’s legs out”.
Today I learned to ride this beast in Bottle Alley.
“It’s OK!”, she said, “There’s a hand’s span of headroom, we worked it out!”, waving a dainty little left hand.
“Yes, but I’m a head and a half taller than you!”
The riding height is exhilarating, although proximity of one’s head to the roof of Bottle Alley a little disconcerting.
Took to the high wheeler like a fish to water. I always wanted to ride one when I was little and imagined doing so, and what it’d be like. I think that imagination of the event meant it felt fairly natural once in the saddle.
The hard part is stopping. But then, who wants to?