Along from the hubbub and crowded beaches of Brighton, heading west past the ten mile long queue for ice cream at Marocco’s in Hove, down a desolate private dock road and beyond, one lands up in Shoreham by Sea. It is a charming little place and I stop my ride to explore. It’s late in […]
This is my bike, Golden Pegasus. I know, grand name. It was chosen by someone else and it stuck. I love this bike. Despite the now slippy gears and fading brakes that the bike shop said was an ‘uneconomical’ repair. We’ve been on journeys of less than a mile, to over 60 miles in one. […]
Concorde 2 is a beautiful venue, right by the sea. As ever, the crowd was very welcoming of the headliner act. Lots of smiles and singing along by some who saw the band last time around – twenty years ago. There are a younger crowd here too, showing the cult of The Stairs in full effect. […]